Energy Efficient Building | Minnesota
1 Energy Code Hour Video Course
Approval #20230212 BLD |#20230168 CO, MHI
Improving energy efficiency through green building methods can save money and have less impact on the environment while also lowering your clients energy bills.
This educational offering is recognized by the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry as satisfying seven (7) hours of credit toward Residential Building Contractor continuing education requirements including 1 hour Energy Code.
Instructor: Rodger Peck
Even as technological innovation creates new construction possibilities, incorporating energy-efficiency into building projects can not only provide a better quality of life, but also protect the environment. A comprehensive approach to resource and energy efficiency is the best method to achieve a resource and energy efficient building. This one hour course will help builders identify important considerations and then apply those principles to a specific project.
This Course Covers:
- Environmental Concerns and Implications
- Evaluating the Site and Remediation Strategies: Building orientation, erosion, water
- "Green" power generation: solar, performance, varying sources
- Photovoltaic, geothermal, recycling, air quality, LEED Rating System