ICC CEU Requirements:
1 certification – 1.5 CEUs required (15 hours)
2-5 certifications – 3.0 CEUs required (30 hours)
6-10 certifications – 4.5 CEUs required (45 hours)
11+ certifications – 6.0 CEUs required (60 hours)
Master Code Professional, CBO, CFM – 6.0 CEUs required (60 hours)
ICC Renewal Deadline:
You must renew your certification every three years. Certificates must be renewed on or before the expiration date to remain current.
Call for a custom package that meets state and ICC continuing education requirements.
Custom packages are available for Builders, Architects, and Plumbers.
Complete ICC CEU Packages

6 Credit Package
- Video Course: Staying Alive: Construction Safety 0.8 ICC CEU
- Video Course: Project Management 0.8 ICC CEU
- Video Course: Contracts, Liabilities and Risk Management 0.6 ICC CEU
- Video Course: 29 CFR 1926 Confined Spaces 0.3 ICC CEU
- Text Course: Hazardous Work Zones I 0.3 ICC CEU
- Text Course: Hazardous Work Zones II 0.3 ICC CEU
- Video & Text Course: Harnessing Resources 0.3 ICC CEU
- Audio Course: Getting Decked 0.3 ICC CEU
- Audio Course: Environmental Design for Buildings 0.3 ICC CEU
- Video Course: Envelope Failure 0.3 ICC CEU
- Audio Course: Danger in the Damp 0.3 ICC CEU
- Audio Course: Construction Documents 0.3 ICC CEU
- Video Course: 2010 ADA Standards: Interior Elements 0.3 ICC CEU
- Video Course: 2010 ADA Standards: Exterior Building Blocks 0.3 ICC CEU
- Audio Course: Building on Budget by Design 0.3 ICC CEU
- Audio Course: Successful Use of Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings 0.2 ICC CEU

4.5 Credit Package
- Video Course: Staying Alive: Construction Safety 0.8 ICC CEU
- Video Course: Project Management 0.8 ICC CEU
- Video Course: 2010 ADA Standards: Key Features and Elements 0.7 ICC CEU
- Audio Course: Estimating and Bidding for Success 0.7 ICC CEU
- Audio Course: Manage Your Way to Big Profits 0.7 ICC CEU
- Audio Course: Getting Decked: And Choosing How That Happens 0.3 ICC CEU
- Audio Course: Danger in the Damp–Dealing with Mold 0.3 ICC CEU
- Audio Course: Successful Use of Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings 0.2 ICC CEU
- Approved for 4.5 ICC CEUs

3 Credit Package
- Video Course: Staying Alive: Construction Safety 0.8 ICC CEU
- Video Course: Project Management 0.8 ICC CEU
- Video Course: 2010 ADA Standards: Key Features and Elements 0.7 ICC CEU
- Audio Course: Manage Your Way to Big Profits 0.7 ICC CEU
- Approved for 3 ICC CEUs

1 Credit Package
- Video Course: 2010 ADA Standards: Interior Elements 0.3 ICC CEU
- Video Course: 2010 ADA Standards: Key Features and Elements 0.7 ICC CEU
Approved for 1 ICC CEUs
ICC Individual Courses

Staying Alive: Construction Safety | ICC
8 Hour Video Course
This course outlines the most important work-related hazards on a construction site and will inspire you to practice safety first, in a way that will prevent injuries at work and at home.
0.8 ICC Building CEUs – Approval #26111

Residential Project Management | ICC
8 Hour Video Course
Take an in-depth look at the responsibilities of a project manager and the methods experienced contractors use to effectively manage all aspects of a building project.
0.8 ICC Building CEUs – Approval #26110

Manage Your Way to Big Profits | ICC
7 Hour Audio Course
Learn the responsibilities a construction project manager must be prepared to perform to maximize the earning potential of each building project you manage with this course.
0.7 ICC Admin CEUs – Approval #25470

Estimating and Bidding for Success | ICC
7 Hour Audio Course
Calculating a more accurate estimate and bid allows you to get the most out of every job. Improve your bottom line as we cover all aspects of the bidding process.
0.7 ICC Admin CEUs – Approval #25472

2010 ADA Standards: Key Features and Elements | ICC
7 Hour Video Course
Learn how the ADA Standards for Accessible Design applies to construction projects with on-site examples of accessible buildings used by both the public and private sector.
0.7 ICC C&S CEUs – Approval #25473

Contracts, Liabilities and Risk Management | ICC
6 Hour Video Course
Understanding how to utilize contract law for risk and liability management will protect your business from unscrupulous people.
0.6 ICC Admin CEUs – Approval #25447

Successful Code Analysis: Occupancy Group B | ICC
3 Hour Audio Course
Learn to identify the building use, construction type, requirements, how code applies to use group, and to integrate design with current codes for a safe and cost-effective project.
0.3 ICC C&S CEUs – Approval #25535

Lean on Me - Choosing Railings Carefully | ICC
3 Hour Audio Course
This course teaches ADA compliance in design of railings, proper mounting, material & finish options, replacing railings in historic projects, and standardized railing systems trends.
0.3 ICC Building CEUs – Approval #25491

Building on Budget by Design | ICC
3 Hour Audio Course
Making your clients happy is always the goal. Learn to design efficiently with less complexity, material, and labor resulting in savings for the homeowner.
0.3 ICC Building CEUs – Approval #25481

Successful Site Design | ICC
3 Hour Audio Course
Designing your building site is key to the success of any building project. Learn to navigate the challenges and pit falls of site development without compromising design.
0.3 ICC Sitework CEUs – Approval #25455

Successful Renovations and Additions | ICC
3 Hour Audio Course
Approach your project with confidence by learning to recognize the critical issues, ask the right questions, and identify existing design and structural concerns.
0.3 ICC Building CEUs – Approval #25454

Successful Building Design | ICC
3 Hour Audio Course
Building design is a crucial to a successful construction project. Learn proven methods for analyzing design decisions for all aspects of construction, appearance and maintenance.
0.3 ICC Building CEUs – Approval #25451

Hazardous Work Zones: Implementing Occupational Safety II | ICC
3 Hour Text Course
Construction site accidents cost contractors both time and money. Learn to identify hazards before they impact your business.
0.3 ICC C&S CEUs – Approval #25487

Hazardous Work Zones: Implementing Occupational Safety I | ICC
3 Hour Text Course
Worker safety is the top priority of any contractor and allows your team to work more confidently and efficiently, saving you time and money!
0.3 ICC C&S CEUs – Approval #25485

Harnessing Resources: New Construction Opportunities | ICC
3 Hour Video & Text Course
The building industry is always evolving. Utilizing new construction options and techniques will allow you to build more efficiently and create a better quality of life for your clients.
0.3 ICC Energy CEUs 25450

Getting Decked: And Choosing How That Happens | ICC
3 Hour Audio Course
Capitalize on our love of outdoor spaces with this course that explores options available to build decks and structures and the many different materials available.
0.3 ICC Building CEUs – Approval #25480

Environmental Design for Buildings: Best Practices for the Best Design | ICC
3 Hour Audio Course
Learn current trends in energy efficient technologies that provide safe, code compliant environments and are central to the health of the consumer and the survival of the planet.
0.3 ICC CEUs – Approval #27607

Envelope Failure: A Better Weatherization Design | ICC
3 Hour Video Course
Learn how a properly constructed building envelope will keep out weather related moisture and stop uncontrolled movement of energy in any weather.
0.3 ICC Building CEUs – Approval #25482

Danger in the Damp--Dealing with Mold | ICC
3 Hour Audio Course
This course teaches the terminology, testing, inspection process to find water damage, why mold growth occurs, and the steps to take when water intrusion and mold growth is found.
0.3 ICC Building CEUs – Approval #26097

Construction Documents For Successful Projects | ICC
3 Hour Audio Course
Learn to integrate design with current codes and how to identify code related issues while turning your customers goals and aspirations into a safe and cost-effective project.
0.3 ICC Admin CEUs – Approval #25461

29 CFR 1926 Confined Spaces | ICC
3 Hour Video Course
This course focuses requirements set forth in the 29 CFR 1926 to protect employees working in confined spaces such as boilers, elevators, manholes, tanks, incinerators, silos, etc.
0.3 ICC C&S CEUs – Approval #25544

2010 ADA Standards: Interior Elements | ICC
3 Hour Video Course
Here we cover the requirements of proper plumbing, communication, special rooms and built-in elements according to current ADA standards.
0.3 ICC Building CEUs – Approval #25489

2010 ADA Standards: Exterior Building Blocks | ICC
3 Hour Video Course
Recognize how exterior exponents can upgrade a building projects first impression and should comply with ADA requirements.
0.3 ICC C&S CEUs – Approval #25490

Successful Use of Pre-Engineered Metal Buildings | ICC
2 Hour Audio Course
Learn the advantages and disadvantages of using PEMB’s, why they are economical, as well as foundations, building envelope, industrial equipment and code.
0.2 ICC Building CEUs – Approval #25458

Understanding and Preventing Sexual Harassment | ICC
1 Hour Audio Course
Learn to recognize the forms of sexual harassment, reporting procedures, employer responsibility and liability in prevention of sexual harassment.
0.1 ICC Admin CEUs – Approval #25926