Code Official Technical II Building Construction 2015 MRC | Michigan
6 Technical Hour Audio Course
Approval #CP-24-00142
Review building construction, techniques, 2015 Michigan Residential Code, Roofing, Insulation, Ventilation, Windows, Doors and Skylights, Siding, Finishes and Specialities with this course.
0.6 ICC C&S CEUs – Approval #25554
Add To Cart $69.00
Instructor: J. MacDowell
This fully narrated course is a review of building construction and techniques, including the related 2015 Michigan Residential Code.
This course covers:
- Covering Materials
- Valleys
- Ventilation R806
- Reroofing R908
- Insulation
- Ventilation
- Windows, Doors and Skylights R609
- Siding Installation R703
- Interior & Exterior Finishes R702
- Specialties