Building Green | Florida
7 General Hour Video Course
Approval #0613947
Learn methods and economic benefits of green building that allow homes to have less impact on the environment and the importance of using these techniques.
Add To Cart $69.00
Instructor: Mike Wood
This seven-hour course will bring attention to methods of green building that allow homes to have less impact on the environment while providing a great economic benefit to the homeowner. Students will learn the importance of incorporating energy-efficiency into their building projects.
This Course Covers:
- Heat Transfer
- Energy Codes
- Construction Waste Management
- Selling Green Building
- History of Energy Efficiency
- Electricity, Natural gas, propane, geothermal, wind, solar, biomass, heating oil
- Weatherization Assistance Program
- Foundations
- Advanced Framing Techniques (thermal bridging, insulated headers and studs, SIP's)
- Wall and Roof Sheathing
- Air and Vapor Barriers, leakeage, house wrap, Zip system
- Doors, Windows, and Skylights
- Insulation types and R-value
- The Building Envelope and Diagnostic testing
- Problem Areas and penetrations
- Heating and Cooling Systems and types
- Lighting and Appliances
- Passive Houses and their standards and Zero houses
- Space Heating and Cooling and Thermal comfort
- Regenerative vs Sustainable
- Capturing Rainwater
- Thermal Efficient Construction
- Green Building Certifications, Energy Star ratings, HES ratings, HERS Index, Zero Energy, LEED and PHIUS+
- Case Studies