Frequently Asked Questions
Residential Builder & M&A Contractor
Get Licensed
What are the steps to getting licensed for construction work in Michigan?
- Complete an approved 60 hour prelicense course for builders*
- Complete and submit an application for licensure to the Bureau of Construction Codes
- Register for and take the required licensing exam
*An approved prelicense course must be completed whether applying for a Residential Builder license or an M&A Contractor license.
What are the exam fees for the Michigan licensing exams?
M & A Contractors
- One trade: $99.00
- Two trades: $114.00
Residential Builders
- Trades & Business/Law Combo: $117.00
How do I register for my exam?
You must first submit your licensing application to the MI BCC. PSI will receive your candidate information and forward you registration instructions.
Where are the testing centers located in Michigan?
PSI currently has testing centers located in the following cities:
- Dearborn
- Gaylord
- Grand Rapids
- Holt
- Marquette
- Southfield
What can I expect from the Residential Builder exam?
The State exam covers 50 Business and Law questions and 110 Residential Trades questions. You will have 240 minutes to complete and you must get 116 questions correct.
The exams are closed book and no reference materials will be allowed into the examination center.
What can I expect from the M&A contractor exam?
Maintenance & Alteration Trades Exam – A separate trade exam is required for each trade you wish to be licensed in. Each trade exam ranges from 25-50 trade questions and 50 business law questions. You will have 135 minutes to complete your exam.
- Basement & Waterproofing - 100 questions - 72 must be answered correctly to pass
- Carpentry - 100 questions - 72 must be answered correctly to pass
- Concrete - 105 questions- 76 must be answered correctly to pass
- Excavation - 90 questions- 65 must be answered correctly to pass
- Gutters - 85 questions - 61 must be answered correctly to pass
- House Wrecking - 75 Questions - 54 must be answered correctly to pass
- Insulation Work - 100 questions - 72 must be answered correctly to pass
- Masonry - 100 questions - 72 must be answered correctly to pass
- Roofing - 100 questions - 72 must be answered correctly to pass
- Siding - 95 questions - 68 must be answered correctly to pass
- Screen & Storm Sash - 85 questions - 61 must be answered correctly to pass
- Tile & Marble - 100 questions - 72 must be answered correctly to pass
When is a license required for a Residential Builder or M&A Contractor?
In general, a person who contracts with a property owner to do residential construction or remodeling on a project whose total value is $600 or more, including material and labor, is required to be licensed as either a Residential Builder or a Maintenance & Alteration Contractor.
Activities requiring a licensed individual:
New Construction/Remodeling of homes, apartment buildings, condominiums, townhouses, etc.
Insulation Work
Screen & Storm Sash
Tile & Marble
House Wrecking
Swimming Pools
Replacement windows/doors /garage doors
Laying wood floors
Basement Waterproofing
Activities not requiring a licensed individual:
Sewer and septic, water lines, sprinklers
Pavers without mortar
Asphalt Paving
House moving
Carpeting and vinyl floors (not wood)
Plaster and Lath
The Occupational Code lists several exemptions from the licensing law. Some of the more common exemptions are:
- An owner of a property with reference to a structure on the property for the owner's own use and occupancy.
- An owner of rental property with reference to the maintenance and alteration of that rental property.
- A subcontractor to a licensed builder, that is, a person other than a salesperson who engages solely in the business of performing work and services under contract with a Residential Builder or a Residential Maintenance & Alteration Contractor licensed under this article.
- A person working on 1 undertaking or project by 1 or more contracts, the aggregate contract price for which labor, material, and any other item is less than $600.00. A license is required if the construction work is only a part of a larger or major operation (whether undertaken by the same or a different Residential Builder or Residential Maintenance & Alteration Contractor), or in which a division of the operation is made in contracts of amounts less than $600.00 to evade this act.
For the full text of the exemptions, you may wish to review Article 24 of the Occupational Code.
As a licensed Residential Builder or M&A Contractor, can I complete electrical or plumbing work?
By the letter of the law, a Residential Builder or M&A Contractor license does not allow you to do any electrical, plumbing, or mechanical work. Please contact the state of Michigan for further information.
Renew Your License
What are the steps for renewing my license?
To renew you must:
- Have a current copy of the Michigan Residential Code Book
- Have completed your required competency courses
- Set up your account on the MI renewal portal:
- Follow the steps to renew within the portal, including pay your fees
What continuing education is required to renew my Michigan Residential Builder or M&A Contractor license?
If you have been licensed:
- Less than 6 years: 21 hours
- More than 6 years: 3 hours
What courses am I required to take for my continuing competency?
Michigan requires that builders and contractors take at least one hour each in the following topics:
- Building Codes
- Construction Business & Law
- Construction Safety
Those who must complete 21 hours may take courses in elective topics for the remaining 18 hours.
When do I need to renew my license?
Residential Builders and M&A Contractors renew every 3 years by May 31st.
Can I take my continuing education online?
Yes! You can complete your education online as long as the courses fulfill the requirements outlined by the State of Michigan. All of our continuing competency courses fulfill the requirements outlined by the State.
Do I need to notify the state I have completed my education?
No. However, LARA does require that you state that you have completed your education prior to renewing your license, and they ask you to keep your course documentation for at least 5 years. When you complete your course we provide you with a certificate of completion for you to keep as documentation or in the event of a state audit. In the past, the state has typically audited 17% of the builders in Michigan. If you are audited, you will then need to send a copy of the certificate to the state.
Get Licensed
Who needs a Michigan Salesperson license?
Anyone working for a licensed builder or in any capacity where you are signing building or renovation contracts with customers or exchanging money, is required to hold a Salesperson license under that licensed builder or the qualifying office for that company.
What are the steps to getting licensed as a Salesperson?
- Register for and take the Salesperson exam*
- Complete and submit an application for licensure to the Bureau of Construction Codes at
*The exam requirement may be waived for those who have been actively licensed as a Residential Builder or M&A Contractor for the past 3 years.
What can I expect on the Salesperson exam?
The salesperson exam is 45 questions. You must get 32 of the questions correct. You will have 90 minutes to complete the exam.
Licensing Requirements (8 questions)
- Understand when a Salesperson license is required
- Know actions subject to disciplinary action
- Renew license
- Understand the Builder/Contractor-Salesperson relationship
- Display license appropriately
- Understand how to report changes to license
- Understand permitting and inspection requirements
- Comply with record keeping requirements
- Understand Builder Liability Insurance requirements
Regulatory and Statutory Requirements (10 questions)
- Understand discriminatory activities under fair housing guidelines
- Understand discriminatory activities under Civil Rights Act (Elliot-Larsen Civil Rights Act)
- Understand Truth in Advertising guidelines
- Understand guidelines for home solicitation sales and
- costumer's cancellation rights
- Understand general state building code requirements
- Understand when building restrictions may apply
- Comply with EPA Regulations on hazardous materials
Contracts (13 questions)
- Understand the types of and components of contracts
- Understand the terminology related to contracts
- Comply with state requirements for contracts
- Understand and create addenda and change orders
- Understand and adjust contract for factors affecting completion date
- Comply with guidelines for allowances
- Understand basic concept of warranties
- Understand definition of breach of contract
- Explain financing options
Mathematics, Measurements, and Estimating (9 questions)
- Understand and apply basic concepts and terminology
- Compute discounts
- Perform calculations using basic math
Construction Drawings (5 questions)
- Interpret symbols and legends
- Compute actual dimensions based on scale
- Understand and interpret different types of plan views
- Identify basic information on plan drawings
What are is the Salesperson exam fees?
What are the Salesperson licensing fees?
How do I register for my exam?
You must first submit your licensing application to the MI BCC. PSI will receive your candidate information and forward you registration instructions.
Note: If registering for a Salesperson license, you may register for and take your exam prior to completing your license application.
Where are the testing centers located in Michigan?
PSI currently has testing centers located in the following cities:
- Dearborn
- Gaylord
- Grand Rapids
- Holt
- Marquette
- Southfield
Renew Your License
How do I renew my Michigan builder salesperson license?
- Visit to renew your license online.
- Pay the $185 relicensure fee
When is my Michigan builder salesperson license due for renewal?
Every three years on May 31st.
Is continuing education required to maintain my Michigan builder salesperson license?
Code Officials
Get Licensed
How do I become a Michigan Code Official?
- You must be hired by a municipality or government body as a code official to register.
- Complete an Application for Registration of Building Officials, Inspectors, and Plan Reviewers.
What licensing fees do I have to pay to become a Michigan Code Official?
$25 per classification for each year of the registration cycle.
Renew Your License
What is the renewal process for Michigan code officials?
- Complete the state required continuing education
- You will receive a renewal reminder within 60 days of your license expiration.
- Go to the LARA renewal website on or before the 9/16 deadline.
When do I need to renew my license?
Code Officials renew every 3 years by September 17th.
I am a Building Official. What continuing education do I need?
Building Officials are required to complete 50 hours on the following topics:
- 18 Hours of Rules and Acts
- 16 Hours of Technical
- 2 Hours of Plan Review
- 8 Hours of Specialty
I am a Building Inspector. What continuing education do I need?
Building Inspectors (of any kind) are required to complete 47 hours on the following topics:
- 4 Hours of Rules and Acts
- 16 Hours of Technical
- 2 Hours of Plan Review
- 12 Hours of Specialty
I am a Plan Reviewer. What continuing education do I need?
Plan Reviewers are required to complete 47 hours on the following topics:
- 4 Hours of Rules and Acts
- 16 Hours of Technical
- 8 Hours of Plan Review
- 12 Hours of Specialty
Can I take my continuing education online?
Yes! You can complete your education online as long as the courses fulfill the requirements outlined by the State of Michigan. All of our continuing competency courses fulfill the requirements outlined by the State.
Do you report my code official continuing education to the state of Michigan?
No, the state of Michigan does not require continuing education be submitted unless they perform an audit. We will keep track of your records for 6-years at no extra cost.
Do I need to notify the state I have completed my education?
No. However, LARA does require that you state that you have completed your education prior to renewing your license, and they ask you to keep your course documentation for at least 5 years. When you complete your course we provide you with a certificate of completion for you to keep as documentation or in the event of a state audit. In the past, the state has typically audited 17% of the builders in Michigan. If you are audited, you will then need to send a copy of the certificate to the state.
ICC Certification Renewal
How do I renew my ICC Certification?
- Complete the required CEUs
- Login to your myICC account
- Input your completed CEUs
- Pay the appropriate fees
When is my ICC Certification due for renewal?
You must renew your certification every three years. Certificates must be renewed on or before the expiration date to remain current. Prior to the expiration date, a courtesy renewal notice will be sent to the contact information in your myICC account. If for any reason you do not receive this notice, you may obtain renewal information specific to your certification from renewals.
How much continuing education do I need to renew my ICC Certificate?
Your continuing education requirement depends on how many active certifications you have.
- 1 certification – 1.5 CEUs required
- 2-5 certifications – 3.0 CEUs required
- 6-10 certifications – 4.5 CEUs required
- 11+ certifications – 6.0 CEUs required
- Master Code Professional, CBO, CFM – 6.0 CEUs required.
You must complete half of your continuing education through the ICC or a Preferred Provider – Builders License Training Institute is a Preferred Provider of Education.
What are the fees to renew my ICC Certificate?
- 1 certification – $90 for members – $115 for nonmembers
- 2-5 certifications – $100 for members – $125 for nonmembers
- 6-10 certifications – $120 for members – $135 for nonmembers
- 11+ – $130 for members – $155 for nonmembers
- Reinstatement Fee – $115 for members – $160 for nonmembers
What are the ICC certifications?
Residential Inspection
B1 Residential Building Inspector
E1 Residential Electrical Inspector
P1 Residential Plumbing Inspector
M1 Residential Mechanical Inspector
R5 Residential Combination Inspector
Commercial Inspection
B2 Commercial Building Inspector
E2 Commercial Electrical Inspector
P2 Commercial Plumbing Inspector
M2 Commercial Mechanical Inspector
C5 Commercial Combination Inspector
Plans Examiner
B3 Building Plans Examiner
E3 Electrical Plans Examiner
P3 Plumbing Plans Examiner
M3 Mechanical Plans Examiner
R3 Residential Plans Examiner
RF Residential Fire Sprinkler Inspector/PE
C3 Combination Plans Examiner
Energy Inspection/Plans Examiner
77 Commercial Energy Inspector
78 Commercial Energy Plans Examiner
79 Residential Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner
CE Commercial Energy Inspector/Plans Examiner
with ASHRAE 90.1
GC IgCC Inspector/Plans Examiner w/ ASHRAE 189
G1 Green Building—Residential Examiner
66 Fire Inspector I
67 Fire Inspector II
F3 Fire Plans Examiner
FM Certified Fire Marshal (CFM) [6.0 CEUs]
CA Commercial Fire Alarm Inspector
CN Commercial Fire Alarm Plan Examiner I
CR Commercial Fire Alarm Plans Examiner II
CF Commercial Fire Sprinkler Inspector
CP Commercial Fire Sprinkler Plans Examiner
Special Inspector
49 Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector
48 Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector Associate
NOTE: ACI Field Technician Grade 1 must be current for 48 or 49
92 Prestressed Concrete Special Inspector
S1 Structural Steel and Bolting Special Inspector
S2 Structural Welding Special Inspector
86 Spray-applied Fireproofing Special Inspector
84 Structural Masonry Special Inspector
EC Soils Special Inspector
MI Master of Special Inspection
Code Enforcement
14 Permit Technician
21 Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner
75 Zoning Inspector
64 Property Maintenance and Housing Inspector
C1 Coastal and Floodplain Construction Inspector
DR Disaster Response Inspector
FG Fuel Gas Inspector
General Inspection
B5 Building Inspector
E5 Electrical Inspector
P5 Plumbing Inspector
M5 Mechanical Inspector
C8 Combination Inspector (Bldg, Elect, Plbg, Mech)
State-Specific & Specialty
FR Florida Roofing Inspector
I1 California Commercial Building Inspector
I2 California Commercial Electrical Inspector
I3 California Commercial Plumbing Inspector
I4 California Commercial Mechanical Inspector
I5 California Commercial Combination Inspector
I6 California Building Plans Examiner
I8 Combination Inspector—California Codes
J1 California Residential Building Inspector
J2 California Residential Electrical Inspector
J3 California Residential Plumbing Inspector
J4 California Residential Mechanical Inspector
J5 California Residential Combination Inspector
CT CALGreen Inspector/Plans Examiner
76 ICC/AACE Code Enforcement Administrator
73 ICC/AACE Code Enforcement Officer
Code Official & Code Specialist
CB Certified Building Official (CBO) [6.0 CEUs]
B8 Building Code Specialist
CSP Certified Sustainability Professional
ECS IECC/HERS Compliance Specialist
E8 Electrical Code Specialist
P8 Plumbing Code Specialist
M8 Mechanical Code Specialist
H8 Housing and Zoning Code Specialist
FA Fire Code Specialist
G8 Energy Code Specialist
34 Plumbing Inspector UPC
44 Mechanical Inspector UMC
50 Combination Inspector—Uniform Codes
56 Combination Dwelling Inspector—Uniform Codes
57 Light Commercial Combination Inspector – Uniform
CX CAL Green Plans Examiner
CG CAL Green Inspector
F1 Fire Prevention Inspector I—NFPC
F2 Fire Prevention Inspector II—NFPC
L1 Louisiana Residential Plumbing Inspector
L2 Louisiana Commercial Plumbing Inspector
L3 Louisiana Plumbing Plans Examiner
N7 Building Fire Protection Inspector
N8 Building Fire Protection Plans Examiner
97 Elevator Inspector
85 Structural Steel & Welding Special Inspector
88 Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector—Legacy
89 Prestressed Concrete Special Inspector—Legacy
EA Commercial Energy Inspector w/ASHRAE 90.1
EB Commercial Energy PE w/ASHRAE 90.1
G2 IgCC Commercial Inspector
G3 IgCC Commercial Inspector w/ASHRAE 189.1
G4 IgCC Plans Examiner
G5 IgCC Plans Examiner w/ASHRAE 189.1
B6 Certified Building Code Official (CBCO)
E6 Certified Electrical Code Official (CECO)
P6 Certified Plumbing Code Official (CPCO)
M6 Certified Mechanical Code Official (CMCO)
H6 Certified Housing Code Official (CHCO)
F6 Certified Fire Code Official (CFCO)
N2 New Jersey Commercial Plumbing Inspector
N3 New Jersey Plumbing Plans Examiner
MR Minnesota Residential Plumbing Inspector
MC Minnesota Commercial Plumbing Inspector
About the Courses
Once I order the course, how long before I can start?
You may begin immediately! Simply click the Login button in the upper right-hand corner on your desktop or in the upper-right menu on mobile. Once you’ve entered your login and password, you will be taken to your courses. Follow the instructions and enjoy!
Once I start an online course, will I be able to start and stop at anytime?
Our courses are available online 24/7 and you are able to log in and log out at any time during the course. If you are going to be away from your computer for more than 10-15 minutes, simply log out. When you log back in, you will be able to re-enter the lesson you were last in.
How long do your continuing education courses take to complete?
Continuing education requirements vary by state. Each course lists a minimum number of credit hours required to complete the course.
How long do your exam prep courses take to complete?
Each course lists the total amount of hours for the course. However, we cover materials quickly and many contractors like to re-watch materials. In other words, this question really depends on your learning style. We recommend that you go through the course as many times as you need to be comfortable with the material and any applicable reference books. The more familiar you are with the materials, the better you will do on your exam!
How long do I have the courses?
We allow up to 6 months for you to complete the courses. During the six months you have unlimited, 24/7 access. If you need additional time, please contact our offices to arrange an extension (please note: a fee may apply).
Are there tests in the courses?
This varies depending on whether the course is continuing education or exam prep.
There are no quizzes for continuing education courses in Michigan. All other states with continuing education require quizzes to check completion progress.
In exam prep courses there will be a short quiz at the end of each lesson and there is also a longer practice test at the end of each course. These quizzes and tests will help you practice taking an exam and identify areas you may wish to study more.
If I fail a practice test, do I have to take it again?
Practice tests are just that: for practice. You will have the opportunity to retake the practice tests until you do pass. The practice tests are there to help you get used to the process of using your reference materials and finding the correct answers during an exam. If you don’t pass on the first try, take the time to note what sections of the material you need to review.
Once I complete a course, can I still go back and review the lessons and quizzes?
You are able to review the lessons and quizzes at any time during the six months you’ll have access to the courses.
State & Testing Contact Info
Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)
Bureau of Construction Codes
7150 Harris Drive
Lansing, MI 48906
Mailing (with payments enclosed)
PO Box 30255
Lansing, MI 48909
Mailing (without payments enclosed)
PO Box 30254
Lansing, MI 48909
Licensing and Compliance Division: Responsible for determining eligibility of examinees, licensure and registration issuance, and renewals of registrations and licenses. Also for annual inspections of mobile home parks, reviews and investigates complaints against building officials, inspectors, plan reviewers, electricians, mechanical contractors, plumbers, boiler and elevator licensees, mobile home parks and dealers.
(517) 241-9316 – For Licensing Questions – For Complaint Questions
Residential Building Division: Responsible for application reviews and investigates complaints against residential builders and maintenance & alterations contractors.
(517) 241-9309 – For Residential Builder Licensing Questions – For Residential Builder Complaint Questions
PSI Exams
Contact PSI for information regarding the Michigan licensing exams
PSI Services
3210 East Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
(855) 579-4635